Lots of people switch their home insurance because they want to make sure they’re getting the best coverage for their money, or because they want a company that’s easier to deal with. Some people switch because they found a better deal somewhere else.

Whatever your reasons, It’s important to know how to effectively change your homeowners insurance.

If you’re a homeowner and looking to switch your insurance provider, there are a few things you should know.

We at Old Harbor has some helpful tips and tricks to make the process easier and ensure you make the right decision.

Our guide will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed choice about changing your homeowners insurance.

Why the Need to Change Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners choose to change their insurance for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you’ve discovered gaps in your current coverage that leave you feeling vulnerable, or you’re seeking to reduce your annual premiums without compromising protection.

Changes in personal circumstances, such as remodeling your home or acquiring valuable personal property, can also require a review of your insurance needs.

Whatever the reason, it’s essential to approach the decision to change your homeowners’ insurance with a clear understanding of your goals and the potential benefits.

When Is The Right Time To Change Your Homeowners Insurance?

Timing is everything when it comes to changing your homeowners’ insurance. Ideally, reviewing your policy annually before renewal offers a perfect opportunity to assess your coverage and explore new quotes.

However, life doesn’t always adhere to a schedule. Significant home improvements, changes in your neighborhood’s risk profile, or even a shift in your financial goals can all prompt an insurance review.

It’s important to remember that you’re not bound to wait for your policy’s renewal date; you can change your homeowners insurance plan at any time, provided you adhere to the terms of your current policy.

Evaluating Your Current Homeowners Insurance Coverage

Before you embark on the journey to change your insurance provider, take a moment to evaluate your current coverage thoroughly.

This involves understanding the specifics of your policy, including the limits of coverage for your dwelling, personal property, and liability.

Assess whether your current policy adequately reflects the value of your home and possessions, considering any recent purchases, home improvements, or changes in local building costs.

This evaluation will serve as a foundation for determining your insurance needs and ensuring that your new policy offers the required protection.

Top 5 Essential Considerations Before Changing Your Homeowners’ Insurance

Coverage Needs: Assessing How Your Needs Have Evolved

Your home is a dynamic asset, and your coverage needs evolve with time. Perhaps you’ve added a room, purchased expensive electronics, or acquired jewelry that needs protection.

An annual review of your coverage ensures your policy reflects current needs. Evaluate whether additional riders for high-value items or increased liability coverage for a new pool are necessary.

Understanding these changes can guide you in selecting a new policy that offers comprehensive protection.

Comparing Quotes: The Importance of Shopping Around

Changing your homeowners’ insurance isn’t just about finding a cheaper rate; it’s about finding the best value for your needs.

Obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers to compare coverage options, deductibles, and premiums. Tools and services that compare insurance options can simplify this process, but always read the fine print.

Understanding Policy Differences: Key Factors That Impact Coverage

It’s important to note that not all homeowners insurance policies are the same. When considering a change, pay close attention to differences in policy terms, coverage limits, and exclusion clauses, as these can significantly impact your coverage in the event of a claim.

Some policies may offer replacement cost coverage for personal property, while others only cover actual cash value, significantly impacting reimbursement amounts. Understand these differences and decide which aligns best with your needs.

Potential Savings vs. Coverage: Striking the Right Balance

While saving on premiums is often a driving factor in changing insurance plans, balancing cost savings with adequate coverage is crucial.

Cutting corners to lower premiums may result in being underinsured during disasters. It’s essential to consider deductible options carefully. Choosing a higher deductible can lower your premium but increase your out-of-pocket costs in a claim.

Weigh the long-term benefits of comprehensive coverage against the immediate savings on premiums.

Customer Service and Claims Process: Evaluating Insurer Reputation

The true test of an insurance policy is in the claims process. Research potential insurers’ reputations for customer service and claims handling.

Reviews and ratings from current and former policyholders can provide insight into their experiences. An insurer’s responsiveness, fairness in claim assessments, and payout timeliness are critical factors.

Old Harbor, known for its customer-centric approach, can be a valuable partner in finding an insurer that prioritizes your satisfaction and peace of mind.

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Your Homeowner Insurance

Changing your homeowners’ insurance requires careful coordination to ensure a seamless transition without losing coverage. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth transition to a policy that better fits your needs:

Research and Gather Quotes

Start by researching potential insurance providers. Use online comparison tools to gather quotes based on your updated coverage needs. Remember, the cheapest option isn’t always the best—focus on value and coverage.

Evaluate New Policies

Carefully review the terms, coverage limits, deductibles, and exclusions of the new policies. Ensure the new policy addresses any coverage gaps you identified in your current plan.

Consult with Insurance Professionals

If you need clarification on the differences between policies or have specific questions, consult with insurance professionals. They can provide clarity and guide you toward the best choice for your situation.

Notify Your Mortgage Lender

If you have a mortgage on your home, your lender needs to be informed of any changes to your homeowners insurance, as they have a vested interest in the property’s protection.

Apply for the New Policy

 Once you’ve chosen a new provider, apply for the policy. Ensure that the new policy’s start date aligns with your current policy’s end date to avoid any gaps in coverage.

Cancel Your Old Policy

After confirming the new policy is in effect, cancel your old homeowners’ insurance policy. It’s best to do this in writing and request confirmation of the cancellation.

Update Your Escrow Account

If your homeowners’ insurance is paid through an escrow account, inform your bank or mortgage servicer of the change in insurance providers so they can adjust your escrow payments accordingly.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When changing your homeowners’ insurance, be wary of common pitfalls such as:

Underinsuring Your Home: Opting for lower premiums at the expense of sufficient coverage can leave you vulnerable during a disaster.

Overlooking Discounts: You may be eligible for discounts with the new insurer, such as for home security systems or bundling policies, which can provide savings without sacrificing coverage.

Failing to Inform Your Mortgage Lender: This oversight can lead to complications with your mortgage or escrow account.

Navigating Homeowners Insurance Change with Confidence

If you’re thinking about changing your homeowners’ insurance, it’s an important decision that can help you get better coverage, save money, and get a plan that fits your current needs.

To make the right choice, you need to consider some important factors and follow a step-by-step process.

By doing so, you’ll be able to choose an insurance plan that protects your home, your belongings, and your finances in a way that works for you.

Remember, the goal is to find a policy that fits your life today and keeps you safe and secure.

For personalized advice and assistance, don’t hesitate to contact insurance professionals who can guide you through the nuances of homeowners insurance and help you find the perfect fit for your needs.


Can I change my homeowner’s insurance at any time?

Yes, you can change your homeowner’s insurance policy at any time. However, aligning the change with your policy’s renewal date is wise to simplify the process.

How will changing policies affect my mortgage or escrow account?

Your mortgage lender or servicer should be informed of the change, as your insurance premium is often paid through an escrow account. They will adjust your monthly escrow payment based on the new premium amount.

Can I get a refund from my old insurance policy?

If you’ve paid your premium in advance and cancel your policy before it expires, you’re typically entitled to a refund for the unused portion of the premium.

What should I do if I find a cheaper policy?

A cheaper policy can be appealing, but ensure it provides adequate coverage for your needs. Review the policy details carefully and consult with an insurance professional if necessary.

Are there fees associated with changing insurance companies?

Most homeowners insurance policies do not charge a fee for canceling. However, reviewing your policy’s terms or checking with your insurance provider is essential.